Register for SNSW Junior Summer Camp


Get ready for a fun packed week with Jesus and your friends at Summer Camp! Junior Camp is for young people aged 10-13 years.

Junior camp involves a range of fun activities including water sports and more! The best part is the amazing atmosphere of worship that is created where Junior can experience God’s presence.

PLEASE NOTE: The last day to register is Sunday 24 December 2023


Tuesday 16 January to Sunday 21 January 2024

Arrival from 3pm onwards on the Tuesday. Concluding around 9am on the Sunday.


Campers will sleep in dormitory accommodation with children of the same or similar age and the same gender.

This summer camp, the dorms will be laid out similar to school group excursion with campers rooms between staff rooms.


Junior Camp: $350 per person

Bus Transport (optional): $20


Adventist Alpine Village

122 Tinworth Drive



80s Decade – Think Footloose, Back to the Future, Bright Neon Colours etc.


Own transport 

Feel free to drop off your junior to the event.


There may be a few buses coming. Please let us know if you may be interested in catching a bus to summer camp.

Here are some possible locations that buses may be leaving from:





These locations are dependant on junior registrations.

Mobile Phones

Please note: Campers will have limited access to their mobile phone throughout the duration of summer camp. They will only be allowed to access their phone for one hour each evening (after dinner and before the night worship program).

We encourage all campers not to bring a mobile phone, however if they do they will be stored in a locked room except for the times mentioned above. This is to help minimise cyberbullying, disengagement, photo sharing etc.

Medical and Emergency Information

This year all medical and emergency contact details for your child will need to be completed through Operoo.

Operoo is an online platform for automating medical records, consent forms, payments and group messaging that is used by many organisations, clubs and schools throughout Australia. 

In order to complete your registration for Junior Camp, you will need to create (or share) your child’s Operoo profile and fill out all your medical information and emergency contact details.

When you have completed this registration form you will receive an email to create or share a Operoo profile. Please note that the email address you use in this registration form needs to be the same email address you use for your Operoo profile (it needs to be the parent/legal guardian’s email address).

Please note that in order for your child to attend Junior Camp a Operoo profile must be completed and shared by December 31st 2023.

We are using Operoo because it is simple to use and stream-lined. Once you have completed a Operoo profile, you will never have to do so again. We are also using Operoo for Pathfinders and Adventurers in the SNSW Conference, and once your child is on it once for any of these clubs, you will never have to complete your medical profile again (just update it when any changes occur).

Junior Camp

Name of Attendee

Personal Details

Parent/Guardian Details

Payment Details

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