Event terms and conditions

In the event of accident or illness:

I/We authorise the Event Director to consent, where it is impractical to communicate with me/us, to my/our son/daughter recieving any x-ray examination, anaesthetic, medical, surgical or hospital treatment as may be deemed necessary by a licensed physician and/or surgeon. I/We agree to pay the appropriate fees for such and any ambulance or other emergency transportation costs, which may be required.

I/We agree to meet the expense of my son/daughter being returned home, by the director of leaders accompanying him/her where it is deemed necessary inluding behavioural concerns. I/We understand that such an arrangement may be necessary due to illness, injury, or if, in the opinion of the Event Director, non-cooperation of any description or the inability to meet the rigours and requirements of the activity by my son/daughter. I/We agree to my/our son/daughter attending on this understanding.

I also understnad that it is a condition of participation to accurately complete the medical form. I have been informed of the nature of the activity and understand that there is an element of risk involved. I acknowledge I may refuse to participate in any part of the activity I feel aprehensive about, (if this does not endanger myself or the other participants or leaders). I agree that if I suffer injury or illness, the organisers can arrange medical treatment and emergency evacuation services, as the organisers deem necessary for my safety or well-being.

I am aware, in signing this document of the risks and demanding nature of activities at Teen Camp 2023, and am willing to accept this risk and afree to release, to the full extent permitted by law, AUSTRALASIAN CONFERENCE ASSOCIATION LIMITED (ACN 000 003 930) and its employees and agents from responsibility for any injuries which I may suffer as a result of participation in this event and its activities.

I understand that should I cancel my application before 4th January 2023, 75% of the total paid will be refunded. No refunds will be given for cancellations after 4th January 2023 due to the necessary confirmation of bookings for all activities, catering and accommodation.

During this camp, we anticipate that photos/videos may be taken of those participating in the activities. These images are the property of the SNSW Youth Department and may be used for the Youth Website, the Imprint, or the Seventh-day Adventist Church associated organisations advertising purposes.

Events and Products

This website allows for authorised Seventh-day Adventist entities to sell products and services. This website is not involved with the description of the listings or the provision of the purchased goods and services, and accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, availability or supply of goods and services purchased on this site.
Completing a purchase on this site is a transaction with the goods and services’s supplier, who’s contact details are available on the registration form and receipt page.Merchant facilities provided by:


Events are generally non-refundable so please choose carefully. If you are unable to attend, please contact the event organiser as refunds may be given in some cases or as required by law. Cancellation fees may apply.

Privacy Policy

We, Seventh-day Adventist Church (SPD) Limited ABN: 590 931 17689, believe that privacy is important. We are committed to respecting and ensuring your privacy. As such we are subject to the National Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (as amended by the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 (Cth))

This policy describes how we will deal with personal information that we hold in the church events registration database (Events Registration).

What is Personal Information?

When we talk about personal information, we mean information or an opinion about an individual where you can tell or reasonably work out who the information or opinion is about.

We will only collect personal information that is relevant to our organisation. This may include general information such as name, e-mail address, contact details and computer’s IP address.

How we will use your Personal Information?

We use the collected personal information (Stored Information) to operate the application or as otherwise allowed by law.

Personal information is generally collected for the following purposes:

Event Coordinators will be the main user of your personal information. The information you supply will be used for the purpose of event registration. De-identified information (that is, information which cannot identify persons) will be used for reporting purposes.

If we want to use the Stored Information for any other purpose that is not related to activities, we will first seek your consent unless we are not required to by law.

Disclosure of personal information

We generally only use or disclose your personal information to:

  1. the person who entered the information;
  2. Event coordinators or their appointed representatives;
  3. database administrators, to enable them to assist an event coordinator administer Event Registrations;
  4. other organisations that provide services to us, such as telecommunications companies, church or conference event organisers, IT contractors (such as website developers and hosts), lawyers and other professional service providers;
  5. law enforcement and other government agencies where permitted by law; and meet any legal requirements.

Access to personal information

Please contact us if you would like to access personal information we hold about you. We will give you access unless we are allowed or required by law to refuse it. We may ask you to pay our reasonable costs of providing access.

If you believe personal information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, please advise us. We will generally take reasonable steps to correct your personal information where inaccuracies are identified.

In certain circumstances, we may refuse to give access to your personal information or amend it. Usually we will explain why and, in the case of an amendment, make a note that you have disputed the accuracy or completeness of particular information.

Security and integrity

We cannot guarantee the security of information you may transmit to us. We will take reasonable steps to keep your personal information secure, accurate, complete and up to date. If we no longer require your personal information, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify it. We do not take responsibility for the security of information that is outside our control such as when it is sent by post, courier, facsimile or over the Internet.

We do not permanently store any credit card details.

Changes to this policy

To keep up with regulatory, technical and organisational change, we may amend this policy from time to time by publishing the updated policy on our website. Please visit our website regularly to keep up to date with any changes.

Contacting us

For further information, problems or complaints regarding our information handling practices, please contact us.